Our Business Approach

How Fastbolt Approaches Our Business

Close-up of two engineers looking at a tablet computer.

Fastbolt focuses on customer relationship management (CRM) and supplier relationship management (SRM). We believe that both are critical to Fastbolt’s objective of exceeding our customers’ expectations.

Both require a consistent approach and a defined set of values that facilitate trust.

Supplier Relationship Management

From an SRM perspective, we focus on combining commercial, technical, and communication goals to derive strategic supplier relationships.

Activities with our suppliers include:

  •                 Product education
  •                 Supplier conferences for our customers
  •                 Process management
  •                 Collaborative business planning
  •                 Joint application reviews
  •                 Knowledge sharing

Customer Relationship Management

We focus on people, processes, and technology from a CRM perspective. Our goal is to learn as much as possible about our customers and their applications to exceed their expectations.

Expectations our customers should have of us:

  •                 Proactive sales and customer service representatives;
  •                 Knowledgeable product application representatives;
  •                 Consistent processes;
  •                 Quality Management;
  •                 Supply Chain Transparency;
  •                 Surpassing Service requirements.

With this approach, our desire is for all involved to succeed and to set Fastbolt apart in the eyes of our customers with the services we deliver and the high recommendations we strive for.